The best game EVER

User Rating: 10 | World of Warcraft PC
This has to be the best game evr i was sooooo adictted to it!!!!!!!! Once u START u dont STOP!!!!!! With all the races like humens to dwafts to even night elves(my own race) this game has syle!!! But that is only the allaince side(good). There is the hord side where u are (bad) toruns(cow like thing) orcs abd much more!!!!! This game is all about what U WANT. U can do WHATEVER u want to do!!!!!!! There is even a system (much like EBAY) where u bid on stuff from other players!!!!!!!!! U can make MONEY or spend it ALL. What ever u do IT IS YOUR CHOICE!!!!!! So buy NOW!!!!!!

P.S( u can get DRUNK in the game and i think that should make u buy the game ALONE)