World of Warcraft is a good game in the same way that heroin is a good drug.
WoW is a game which rewards play time over skill. The more addicted someone is to World of Warcraft, the better he or she (let's be honest: he) will be at it. Someone who has played for 100 hours will destroy someone who has played for 50 hours. On the one hand, you might say, "Well, the same applies to any game. A person who has studied chess his entire life would destroy someone who learned the game yesterday!" However, the difference with World of Warcraft is that the game stacks the deck in your favor the longer you play. You collect better armor, get to a higher level, and unlock stronger skills. It is practically impossible for a significantly higher-level character to lose against a low-level one regardless of how skilled the lower-level character is. That's like having a chessmaster play against a newcomer and giving the chessmaster a full set and the newcomer a king and two pawns. All skill is eliminated, replaced by the drive to play longer, acquire better gear, and ascend to a higher level in the hopes that you will "master" the game. Actual skill makes up a significantly small portion of the game compared to who has the best this, the strongest that.
This leads to an even bigger problem which plagues World of Warcraft, and that is the players themselves. WoW-addicts are oftentimes egoists and take pleasure out of being able to press a button and destroy a foe rather than winning through planning and focus with the cards evenly distributed. Many people who play WoW would rather win a fight due to a super-powerful sword and armor rather than from a fair match. PvP and duels are mere penis competitions.
The two subsequent WoW expansion packs only lend further credit to my claim. In each game, the level cap is raised another ten levels and the armor is improved so that the most powerful characters now have to start all over again, grinding and raiding for the best weapons so that they can once again be on top and all-powerful. WoW is a carrot on a stick suspended just out of reach. It is a drug. One thing it is certainly not is fun.