WoW is the current Creme of the Crop for PC MMORPGS! If you're a pro-MMORPGer or newb, this is for you!

User Rating: 9.1 | World of Warcraft PC
WoW is one great MMORPG! One of the only things I'd change about the game is the sound, some of the music could be a lot better, and it sounds as if Blizzard got a bit lazy and recycled as many sounds as it could through spells. However, its also important to realize that WoW is in no way unique, it simply is the pinnacle of current MMOPRGs. The learning curve is really impossible to plot, because just about the entire game you're learning new things. It will probably take you 10 minutes to get used to the controls, but you won't really learn how you're class works until you hit level 35 or so and start doing Scarlet Monastery, learning about other classes is quite another story! You'll have a great time with this game, its definatly worth the $50 software price+$15 monthly fee!