World of Warcraft has alot of stuff to offer. It is a very fun MMORPG, and has almost everything that you would expect.

User Rating: 9.4 | World of Warcraft PC
After months of pressure put on by friends to purchase WoW, I finally went to EBgames and bought it. When I returned home, after installing it, I played it for my first time. The game was alot more than I expected.

Graphics: The graphics were definately not the best. They were, however, what I expected from the game. I did, however, very much like the effects. Weather, spells and animations are just a few of the good looking effects that the game has. But other than the effects, the actual graphics (Textures, Skins, etc.) were not very impressing.

Sound: The sound was pretty good. I loved the sounds you hear while in combat. I also loved the background sound effects. Wherever you are at, you will hear sounds in the background that reflect your surroundings. The music was also very good. It fits right in with the game. The only thing I did not really like it the voices from NPCs. They are usually a little cheesy. Overall the sound is excellent.

Gameplay: After spending about 15 hours of total play time with this game, I am very impressed with the gameplay. The game is pretty easy to learn for an MMORPG. When I started playing, I tried several different races and classes to see which I liked most. You should definately do some research about what each class and race offers so you can make your descision. After finally picking a race and class, I started really getting into the game. The game has alot of stuff to do. Depending on what class and race you choose, you can have some special abilities or powers that make the game so much better. If you choose a hunter, you have the ability to tame some beasts and keep them as pets. As a warlock, you can get a little imp demon as a pet as soon as you start playing by simply completing a simple quest. These are just a couple of the many things that you can get depending on your race and class of choice. The game has a cool mail system where you can send items and money along with messages to other players on your same realm. There are also auction houses in the game that you can use to easilly gain a profit from your items as well as getting some good deals on items you may need. In WoW, there are professions that you can use to gain money fast. Mining, smithing, skinning and herblorism are just some of these. There is way too much stuff to list in this review. The game has many things to do. Here is a list of some of the things that you can do in the game. Some were allready mentioned, some were not:

Travelling (It can sometimes take a while)
Fighting in parties
Exploring (There is a ton to see)
and many many many...............................................................many more

Overall this game is probably the best purchase I have ever made. It is extremely fun. The game has so much to offer that there is no way that I will be able to list all of it. If you are a fan of MMORPGs, then this one is a must buy. There is no way that I can fully express how great this game is.