Why is it that people hate on successful games that they don't enjoy?... That they can't just place a worse game?
For those of you that like being able to invest a lot or even a little time of gameplay a day, then this is the game for you. Even if you're 12, 50, male, female doesn't matter. I've seen plenty of people with little or no gaming experience pickup WoW and become regular players.
The game is VERY easy to pickup. You start out with very basic options as far as attacking / class-based abilities, whether they're spells that do damage, healing, or other abilities. Every 2 levels, you visit your class trainer and obtain new or improved abilities, so it's never too long til your next "upgrade". There are many MMORPGS where you have to invest a LOT of time just to get any "upgrade" at all.
Questing in WoW is like no other game, and it very much endless. Yes there are kill X amount of Z and be rewarded with Y. Let's think about this... there are many different types of quests, but I think people get a little to extreme with the anti-wow reviews on this subject. Last time I checked, other MMOrpgs had these types of quests, or just grinding left to do.
The graphics are not from the X-Box 360, nor are they up to par with the PS3. "Why is it that people play the game if it doesn't have the best graphics?"..... Well boys & girls....graphics are not what makes a game good or bad. Yes, glitchy or sketchy graphics can be annoying, but ultimately it's the gameplay that makes a game enjoyable, unless your mind is too weak to realize that you are just playing a game, a program with textures and 3D models to represent other pieces of programming or data. My point is, a game with graphics from 2004 (when WoW was released) and awesome gameplay will most likely be more enjoyable than a game with awesome graphics released in 2007 that is lacking in gameplay.
Although the graphics are a little on the cartoony side, you are able to run the game on it's highest settings, looking rather well, and still have a good framerate. Not everyone has the hardware to run a photo-realistic 3D MMORPG with thousands of players playing simultaneously and react in realtime....Please the many? or just the few? Believe me blizzard knew what they were doing when they decided how they wanted to do their graphics.
As far as sound and music, both of which are very awesome =)
The game is definitly a MMORPG'ers dream, although it may not be as fun if you don't have others to play with. It's just much funner to play MMOs with friends =)
There is a reason so many people play World of Warcraft, and that's because it's just plain fun. If you don't find World of Warcraft enjoyable, than MMORPGS are NOT for you...