An awesome expansion, with a load of cool stuff added
User Rating: 9.7 | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade PC
I love WoW, but when I got this game, I went "WOW!" *buh-dum-chang!* Hehehehehe..heh...okay no. well anyways, the dranai are awesome becuase I always thought the aliance needed a large,bulky character you can choose (becuase nobody likes orcs or tauren), and the Blood Elves are cool too becuase now, more people may want to be a horde dude (I always thought I would nvr be a horde dude, but...). I didnt want to be too generous on "graphics" becuase they didn't really change, but I still have to give it a great score becuase somehow, the creators made great graphics, with little loading screens (unless going between continents). (I put learning curve 2 0-30 mins becuase I didnt need any instructions, its that easy to understand) I love WoW becuase the game play is awesome,becuase it schools any other gameplay of other games (like guild wars, where there r only humans=BORING) but I gave the "Value" only a 9 becuase they could of put some of this on a patch, but then realized it would be a VERY LARGE patch and also I don't think something should go free (sorry all who dissagree [hey that rymes!]) that includes a new profession, at least a large handfull of new monstahs (maybe even 100 more, but im not sure), a bunch of new kick-ass armor and weaps, and 2 NEW RACES (Blizzard hasnt made a patch that included races, at least I think). WoW this is long (fine, no again :\ lol ) but just as a finish up, the flying mounts r cool, the other things are cool, the monstahs r awesome, and any1 who is a freek about WoW as I am, you need this expansion SEE YAH!