This game varies for new players to wow and for the seasoned ones. For those with cash and those with little time.
But for the seasoned player; witch he had to run many instances from level 1-60 1-70 1-80. This game gets old. Because not only do you have to get better gear but you have to compete with your guild mates for gear. You pretty much have to work in the game to get there. You have to get good gear before you get new gear. Sounds weird right? but it's true! You can ether fight in arenas or do none high level instances to get gear or join pubs. Also the person that spends more time in the game and knows what to do ends up top.
You have to give up some outside life for wow. If you don't got much to do outside it's Ok! but for the others that have to go to work or work on keeping friendship's solid by having conversation and other priority's, the game becomes HARD. Because you need time to play wow.
Now for the economic player, the game is just sucking your money up! $15 for 1 month $30 for 2 months and cheaper if you buy for a year witch ends up been $12 or something close to that.
Not only that buy you have to pay for the first WoW then the Burning Crusade then Wrath of the Lich king. Not only that but if you don't got the time to play wow much you are just giving away money and any issue that comes your way you Blaze up! You don't like the admins when something happends or your account gets stolen and crap or game crashes do to an unknown graphics problem or something like that. Usually your computer needs an update or firewall fixed to allow to play WoW , a third party program not allowing your wow to work right and out of date hardware... tons of stuff!
Also another thing for the Economic player, such as people who can't work yet or don't work yet and it takes a lot of begging or Surprise gift or just a privileged to get a wow time card to play, it adds more frustration.
Timely player: So this is the player which has very little wow time. This could be most of the adult players but also the young ones. There are players from ages 5 to 70 in WoW. Seriously, Ive heard and talked to them. Lol a 5 year old called my friend a noob on Ventrilo using his Dad's pimped out lvl 70 before Wrath of the lich. Funny stuff. So back on subject! This player ether works a lot and has a social life going or has priorities in life, everyone should have one. For example people from college, they need to spend more time on their work because, we study hard to play hard. Cuz failing that College with that $8,000-$120,000+ college loan blows up on you. Also for adult workers who have to travel long distances to get to work, this game is Hard. You spend your sleep time playing this game and you get frustrated when you find no groups to run an instance during that time or before you go to work. So you end up with same level... same gear ... no progress... just wasted time Looking for people to do an instance or a quest or something else. Also people that have fun things to do on Saturday and Sunday this game hits hard. Usually there are raids on those 2 days. People responsible to their needs on Sunday's that need to go to church have to miss out on some raids. Taking your daily dose of blessings is way better then raiding. For people that have Saturday totally free! They want to relax and go watch a movie and stuff not play on the computer and do a raid that might not even form or is unknown what time it's going to start. It kicks you in your no nos lol.
Also the timely player spams a lot "I GOT A LIFE YOU JERK!" when he gets called a noob or other stuff by other people who had the time to get Sparkly purple and orange gear and weapons with enchants and adored by the people in wow saying "WOW your awesome! Sweet Sword! Sweet enchant! Wow where you get that! Wow his armor is alive!
your THE WT_ pwnage!
Also the timely player mostly comes to the dark part of WoW: Buying Massive amounts of Gold from international sellers. Yup other people Lich of WoW and make money. All they have to do is level up some characters or get gold for people and that's easy! Specially when you get 20 people playing wow and gathering up money. 20 people with 100gold every 5 minutes. That's 2,000 gold. Some even make more! Rare drops and stuff.
Gold Farmers-Gold Sellers: They also have guilds and man they are elite! That's why wow can't always find them to get them banned or other. With the money already made before wow bands them. Buying wow again is just a small scratch on the wallet. They have Time cards and other stuff loaded. Should one account fail bam another rises. You can see a Gold seller by the wow hot spots: Major towns - Mail boxes -Auction Houses - Battle ground entrance - Starting area.
Scammers location: Major starting point usually. Their message: "Want to get to level 70 fast? with the new hacking tool it works!"
"Want tons of money fast! go to this site"
"Go to this site for Wow cheats and hacks"
Results of following their tells: Loss of account - Banning of account (you got punk'd) - Credit card theft - Cookies - Viruses - Special programs that read everything you type after you log into a bank website with (https) so they just read what you typed in your keyboard. It should read like this: hasrf124
"clicks account statement"
Hi sharon e-mailing you again for that house you wanted to sell...
yada yada yada my account... my social is this... i got this new TV.
(So when this is all done or not this all gets sent invisible to the underground market and Bam, they have ways to spend $50,000 in seconds or take your identity. Everything is next to them and at their disposal! even make a copy of your credit card if it has no chip)
Full servers: Yes, most servers are full but Blizzard is always adding new ones to play on. So sometimes when there is an event your server might be full but you can still get in, it just takes 3-20 minutes to get in. Those minutes go fast if you watch some tv lol.
Connection issues?: Most people in wow experience "laggs and laggers" or Super fast internet speed players witch go in circle's around you and land 2 hits before you can land one. Usually you will see "Target not in sight" "Target is not infront of you" "There is nothing to attack".
Now the laggers; some laggers get lucky! They seem like they teleporting all over the map and other players are unable to land a hit. Like if he is cheating. Some servers are closer to home then others and the closer to home are the best for those with limited internet speed. Those above 30gigs of net speed who cares right? lol
At the end, it's your choice for trying out the game or buying the game. You can read or watch videos or look behind the box. Just read the manual or read the rules on realms or tems of policy so you don't get shocked when you get banned for spamming "Alliance sucks" or "Blizz Sucks" or "Naga stole my bike" or "Chuck Norris once swallowed a full bottle of sleeping pills and he only winked" or scamming people with "You got a gift for 100gold or more in a C.O.D letter" (C.O.D a letter saying Cash on delivery, which you pay when the letter or package gets to you)" Also what ever you do don't make a guild saying "Barack Obama big black cockus" Caucus (Cockus).
Also Online Interaction varies, you are connecting with all kinds of people of different social and religious life. From the High end of society to the Low low low. So you might get treated like trash in the open chats. Also don't forget young players who just discover your Mama's jokes and your Ugly jokes and more play, so not everyone is a cool strong character ready to save the world of warcraft. But like always try to respect each other. It does wonders in WoW.
PS: Free for any one to copy this article, my comments are not to insult people or Blizz. They are an insight on the big World of Warcraft and common issues and problems that I have dealt with and experienced with other people over a few years. Most admins are nice but some are just jerks and don't tell you why you have to change your name or been banned and cut you off from the world during an instance without giving you a chance to ask or even reply! They got a program that they can set on do not reply.... "you need to make a petition to talk to a GM" . Good luck and have fun.
Spelling errors not checked
Everything is not reviewed
So make the best of it.