best game ever?
I'm around level 60 and i bought burning crusade the first expansion,and it was deadly cause there was new places and 2 new characters,the blood elf for the horde and the draenei for the alliance. the burning crusade cost about 20 euro i think,i have'nt bought the wrath of the lich king yet cause my computer crashed and i can't play so theres no point in buying it yet,i'm probaly going to get it when i'm about level 65 or so. The new characters in wrath of the lich king is called the death knight which is a bit stupid cause of his powers,and he would be really hard to kill in a high level and he starts out at level 55! its quite stupid.
The gameplay is awesome but sometimes its not and i hate when you glicth its very annoying. Theres about 6 or 7 classes i think, and theres 4 races on horde and alliance when you first buy the game and then when you buy the first expansion you have one more race on each horde and alliance and then theres the death knight which is on alliance and horde. The races for alliance are Gnomes,night elves,dwarfs,humans,draenei,death knight. Then for horde there is Orcs,Trolls,Taurens,Undead,Blood elf,death knight. Thats all of them.
Theres loads more to write about but thats enough. I would have to say Blizzard did a good job on all of this, i would reccommend WoW to anyone so buy it.