Changes everything, but in a very good way!

User Rating: 9 | World of Warcraft: Cataclysm PC
I have been playing wow for 6 years now and even though that does seem very odd to have been playing a game for such an amount of time as that it's good to know that Blizz are still keen to keep things interesting.

As any wow player knows the world completely changed recently and saw many of the things we held dear and as the norm have now gone, but what could of been a flawed move has turned out to be a stroke of genius on Blizzards part and the game just feels like new and is brilliant again.

As a long term Hunter and Priest I can say that I am currently happy with both of those classes, the lvling experience of 80-85 was such an improvement over the boring Lich king zones anbd the dungeons also breath the very same air that Vanilla wow did, offering a challenge that is not tank and spank but more focus on crowd control and overall working as a team even in the 5-man dungeons - all in all making more well-rounded players that can improve their skills.

After 6 years Wow has become new again, which does beg the question of when just will this game end? Blizzard claim it will be around for as long as their is internet... a bold statement maybe, but judging on the evidence it could very well happen.