Run there, kill that, talk to him etc..

User Rating: 4.7 | World of Warcraft PC
World of Warcraft... Oh yay! Yet another boring MMORPG. Hey Blizzard, how bout making a new ***STARCRAFT*** game?!?!?!?! Well lets see, the graphics, I could draw them better. Sound, nothing great.. I could make better sounds with my mouth. Value, if you call value doing the same stuff over, and over, and over, and over, and over AGAIN. Then this game is for you. But if you dont like to do the same stuff over n' over. This game ISNT for you. THIS GAME ISNT FOR ANYONE. This game just gets so boring. I dont know why people thing this game is sooooo great. In reality it's soooooo boring. Again I'm going to say it they should have made a new ***STARCRAFT*** game. Am I wrong? How about where You're a marine and you get to kill all those WORTHLESS, GENERIC LOOKING ORCS?