World of warcraft - Cataclysm
When I started playing Wow, I made a troll hunter named Aerox on the Kul Tiras realm. I got stuck in the mountains on the other side facing ratchet.
I deleted my character and realized afterwards that I could use my hearthstone. Hehe, sounds kinda stupid but really funny.
I made a warrior afterwards and I still have it. It is now level 85 with full epic pvp gear. And I have all classes at level 80 or 85.
Except priest, i've never found priests any amusing. They are boring according to me.
The class I find most amusing is both Shaman and Druid. Restoration and Enhancement shaman is my choice. Restoration and Feral tank Druid is my choice as well.
I also have a Rogue and a Paladin that I like very much.
Assassination Rogue is my choice and as Paladin it's Holy and Retribution, perhaps Protection.
This is my review, your sincere PlazMo from Sweden.