World of Warcrack
game play is the main thing about this game, and there is so much to do in this game. you start off by selecting a faction to play as, there is the alliance, and the horde. Alliance races are humans, night elves, dwarves, gnomes, and drainei. The horde has Orcs, Trolls, Undead, Tauren, and Blood Elves. each race has their own little racial abilities, humans get increased rep gain and stealth detection, dwarves get stoneform, gnomes get escape artist, night elves get shadowmeld and whisp form, drainei get gift of the naruu. Orcs get blood rage, trolls get berserking, undead get will of the forsaken, underwater breathing and canibalism, tauren get warstomp and extra health and blood elves get mana tap and arcane torrent. after u have selected your faction and race you select your class, there are nine classes to choose from. they each have three sub classes you can spec into,
here is a list of the classes available races and their specs.
Druid- Night Elf, Tauren
balance- nature magic DPS
feral combat- meele DPS and tanking
Hunter- Night Elf, Dwarf, Drainei, Orc, Troll, Tauren, Blood Elf
beast mastery- focuses on your pet
marksmenship- all about ranged DPSing
survival- raiding spec
Mage- Human, Gnome, Drainei, Troll, Undead, BLood Elf
arcane- arcane magic DPS
fire- fire magic DPS
frost- frost magic DPS
Paladin- Human, Dwarf, Drainei, Blood Elf
holy- healing spec
protection- tanking spec
retribution- meele DPS spec
Priest- Human, Dwarf, Drainei, Night Elf, Undead, Troll, Blood Elf
discipline- group buffing
holy- healing spec
shadow- shadow magic DPS
Rogue- Human, Night Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Orc Troll, Undead, Blood Elf
Assasination- daggers
Combat- PVE spec
subtlety- stealthing and ganking spec
Shamman- Troll, Orc, Tauren, Drainei
Elemental- elemental magic DPS
Enhancement- meele DPS
restoration- healing spec
Warlock- Human, Gnome, Blood Elf, Orc, Undead
Affliction- focus on damage over time spells
Demonology- focus on demons
Destruction- focus on shadow and fire magic DPS
Warrior- Human, Night Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Drainei, Orc, Troll, Undead, Tuaren
Arms- two handed meele DPS
Fury- duel wielding meele DPS
Protection- tanking spec
as you can tell there are many combinations to play as.
you can level all the way up to 70 if you have Burning Crusade Expansion pack., and you need that to play as Drainei or Blood Elves. If not you can go only to 60. there are two worlds to explore each with many different zones and cities. each faction has four capital cities, Alliance has Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, and Exodar. Horde has Silvermoon City, Undercity, Orgrimar, and Thunderbluff. each zone is set for a certian level for you to level up in, you gain exp by killing mobs and doing quests and discovering new areas. PVP is high in this game too, on PVP servers you can attack anyone in contested teritory. this may be fun but is a pain when high levels gank you when you are trying to level. otherwise you do your PVP in BGs and arena, BGs are battlegrounds and you complete different objectives to win against the enemy faction. arena is where you and one two or four people team up to beat teams. PVP is one way to get gear, another is doing dungons, these are 5 man dungons you must team up with others to complete. they also have a heroic setting where you must be a well geared 70 and at the top of your game. there are also raids too. theres come in 10 mans, 20 mans, 25 mans and 40 mans. there is plenty of end game content to do, you can also level alts. over all this game is highly addictive and fun