OMG Amazing! Blizzard has done it..again

User Rating: 9.8 | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade PC
Ok. To start off this game is truly amazing. All the additions to an already superb game make an even better one. Believe it. Outlands is just amazing all the visuals, thousands of quests should keep you busy for your race to get to lvl 70. The new races are awsome as well. Draenei's are super cool looking. Alliance, believe it or not, since it has Shamans it has been better in pvp which makes it better for all the Alliance players out there. Blood Elves I dont quite like but still they don't bother me`.

Flying mounts, a great addition aswell. Allthough you have to pay a fortune to get one it will be worth your while. But remember only usable in Outlands.

The new BG, Eye of the Storm is quite cool just mix Ararthu Basin with Warsong Gulch.

Overall if you're a WoW player get this game. It's truly amazing. It adds a lot to this great game and makes even better. Yes, better.