Nothing origional about this game... Blizzard just got lucky.

User Rating: 2.3 | World of Warcraft PC
I don't know why so many people like this game when it brought absolutely nothing to the table. There are plenty of free MMORPG's out there that i like more than this. The fees are outrageous and the art style is just plain crazy.

The game caught my intrest at firt because I thought, "Well if so many people like it than it must be good," No, I was wrong in every sence of the word. I will give Blizzard the satifaction of knowing that their marketing department is doing its job actually convincing people that this game is worth anything nonetheless the insane monthly fee.

Blizzard should have kept Warcraft an RTS, oh yes, it was an RTS back in the good ol' days, but those days are gone.