More of the same... and the same wasn't that great.
I can give it credit for two things, an easy to use gameplay that is very player friendly, and low system requirements. Other than those two things it has yet to offer a truely new experiance.
Burning Crusade continues this bland tradition. First you get a higher level cap, nice. Then you get more land, nice. More badies and raid areas, nice. Thats about it, other than more of the same old gameplay their isn't anything new. What makes me luagh is that Blizzard priced the expantion higher than normal as if it were a stand alone game. All that BC has done for me is proved that WoW will continue to make more of the same, untill people get board and leave (in all reality if they have so many fans why should they change). Once newer titles like Konan, Huxley, Gods and Heroes, Star Trek Online and Tobula Rolosa (spelling) then we may see Blizzard scramble to create somthing new. For the ammount of time they spent on this lackluster expantion you'd think it had somthing new and inovative. Lets look at SOE, they punch out expanded content into EQ2 on a half a year clock, why then does it take Blizz so long to create more of the same?
With that said we have to look down on BC as it dosn't add anything to the world of Gaming and MMOing, hopefuly Blizz gets of their throne for a few minutes to actualy add somthing new and inovative to the univers of gaming.