Time to rate this game as a game not a MMORPG. And as a MMORPG

User Rating: 7 | World of Warcraft PC
Okay to start this off let's put it simply I've played the crap out of this game, I am aware of the ins and outs of this game and every single secret or hidden area in this world.
So to start it off I'd like to rate this game firstly as a real game... no not a MMORPG but a real game for once.
Firstly the Graphics. Okay now for their time these graphics where fairly decent, and the job they were assigned to do well.. let's say they met them with flying colors, since well the graphics weren't meant to be "holy crap I've just viewed into the eyes of an angel" but rather "Okay put one-million people on my shoulders and lets see how far I can walk" so rather good graphics seeing their task they had.
Now time for the actual game play element of a game, you know the most important part. Well... errr, this game was definitely not meant for a single player experience seeing as the game play is extremely dull and repetitive, now really is running around from point A to point B to kill one single monster ten times really that fun?.. if it is then you sir have no "Fun factor" what so ever. I mean ya sure we get a little variation in these quests but not really that much, we have our basic "Go slay ten of these flying monkeys because I told you so" quests, then we got the "I'm to lazy to bring this loaf of bread to my uncle next door" types, and last but not least we got our old favorite "Pick this stuff off of the ground for me while I have some lemonade". And oh by the Aesir the dungeons... oh god the dungeons, not all hyped up to what they really are.
Now here's where you can stop thinking of me as a hard ass prick who doesn't like this game because I have something to say that makes up for the flaws this game does have in the most important part... Game play.
Anyways, SOCIAL ASPECT!!, Oh my giddy aunt.. when it comes to playing with other people, socializing and having a great time with fun people this... is... the place. At times I've literally been blown away by half the people I've met and spoken with, now for someone like me who prefers Face-to-face conversations so I can read the emotions off of the person.. but wow, really this game is great for the social aspect of it. Just gathering a bunch of people you've come to know and share laughs with and going on a raid, just beautiful. Now if this game was simply single player without the giant amounts of people playing it I would give this game a three. But really guys stop it with the Horde sucks, alliances rules ego, and vice versa.
Now this is all I've really got to say about this game, for being a MMORPG it's the best damn one out there. For being a game it's one of the crappier ones, so to everyone who still plays this game out here thank you for making it such a great community.