Fun in some ways and like a stick in the eye in others.
A huge range of excellent mods to alter the interface to your preferences, make information more easily available and so on. Useful macro system. Good maps and abundant flight paths to make travel less tedious. Some quests are fun and interesting, many are very boring and repetitive. Bugs are always being fixed, quests, items and areas being added. Game is consuming, it's always "I'll log off in minute after I finish this quest" and then you find another quest and hour later you are still playing.
5 man dungeons were fun to do cooperating with friends and family. Raids were a boring repetition of learning the script and then trying to get 20 people to follow the script at the same time then watching the same crappy gear drop from the bosses over and over to make you do the same raid another 75 times. If you don't have the time or inclination to group/raid you can queue to join a PVP (unbalanced) game and still make progress on improving your character.
Mostly enjoyed the game itself for the 2 years I played off and on. Hate the very immature community who makes grouping with anyone but friends a punishment to avoid at all cost. Hate the wide sweeping, painful changes Blizzard makes to the game, sometimes with no explanation or apparent reason, with patches. Blizzard may decide to reduce my characters skills to nothing. Blizzard may decide to completely change the role of my class, invalidating my play style and making my gear useless (never mind that I spent months doing the same dungeons/raids a 100 times gathering that gear) for the new role I must assume to contribute to a group and all you can do is bend over and take it or quit.