WoW : The Burning Crusade my views on the game

User Rating: 9.5 | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade PC
World of warcraft : the burning crusade is a highly advanced game n is very addictive game . This game has made gread progress by coming up with new ways for you to explorer The World Of Warcraft by giving you new races to chose from the Blood elf who have allied themself with the Horde and also the draenei who escaped the world of Outlands and have allied themselfs with the alliance. World of warcraft : the burning crusade have given you several new new actions to use and a new world to explorer Outlands . Outlands is ruled by a evil beast called Illidan how was imprisoned there. Now we have trespassed in to his domain and put a constant threat on our world azeroth. Outlands also comes with new monsters well old monsters new skins and also a flying mount for the Horde and the Alliance for the Horde you get a Gryphon and for the Horde ou get a Wyvern these mounts can only be perchused at lvl 70 but they are worth the effort to get as you can fly anywere but the down side to these flying mounts is that they can only be used in Outlands

reviwed by Owenben 8)