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User Rating: 7.5 | World of Warcraft PC
What can I say about World of Warcraft? I've played other online games and haven't found the will to keep paying to play them. WOW is a different story. This reviews kind of late in coming, but it still should be relevant. I first got WOW when a first came out a couple years back. I didn't have all that much free time back then, so I didn't get into it as much. Now I work 3rd shift, so my social life is kind of dead at the moment. As such WOW lets me get my gaming in and socialize, so it's a decent mix. I do wish mission structure were better though. Most of your missions are of the "go collect a bunch of crap and bring it to me" variety. There are several missions of a more fun variety, but these collect a thons tend to slow it down a bit. Still the sheer number of things to do, skills to gain, loot to find, and places to explore make this a neverending good time. With the current expansion and one on the way that fun time looks to keep growing. All in all if you're going to play a mmorpg, this is definitely the best place to start. Newcomer friendly (with the exceptions of a few poeple) and fun as hell, this game will definitely be worth your 15$ a month. However, several years later, this game fails to please in the same way. In fact after getting banned when my account was inactive, I have made no effort to reclaim my account. Apparently someone hacked my account, payed the 15$ to use my account and was selling in game items for real world money. This game was fun like 6 years ago, the world needs a new style of mmo now. Until that day comes there's plenty of similar free mmos to get your fix.