Must PVE or arena for PVP weapons
Now Blizzard promised that there will be less focus on arena and more on BGs and such--WRONG. Arena rules PVP.
Most of the PVP sets require arena ratings and points, so the person who loves BGs is stuck with the "5 man heroic set" as Kalgan put it. Kalgan is the lead designer of WoW, BTW. Basically the lowest end tier is what is offered to BG enthusiasts. Meanwhile the upper sets, such as the 10 man and 25 man have a lower personal arena rating and a very high personal arena rating on these sets.
To top it off, people who love battlegrounds, are not offered any kind of weapons via honor like it used to be in TBC. You can either buy a crafted weapon, or one from that new tournament they opened up. Still, you're stuck with a mediocre weapon with the top end arena players getting a 50-100 DPS advantage over you on their weapons.
They want people to either raid or arena for their weapons. If you don't like either or can't find the schedule, you are stuck with a mediocre weapon for the rest of the expansion.
A solution to this would be to fire Tom Chilton (Kalgan), and hire someone who knows what they're doing. I couldn't say that on Blizzard's forums, otherwise I would get in trouble, but that's what they're going to have to do to save their game.