The most complete video game experience in the history of gaming.

User Rating: 9.8 | World of Warcraft PC
I bought the WoW Collector's Edition in December 2004 -- it's now November 2005 and not only am I still playing and loving this game, it's basically the only game i've been playing in nearly A YEAR.

this is, without a doubt, the most complete gaming experience i've ever seen in my life -- from action to fun to camaraderie to tactics to immersive graphics and sound.

i think the only knock you could ever honestly lob against World of Warcraft is the storyline, which in terms of RPGs, never really floors you or hits you with unexpected plot twists or intriguing development in the way something FF-X or Morrowind did.

that aside, I'm probably going to be playing this game well into 2006 and beyond. the ongoing support from Blizzard has been phenomenal, and people only get mad at them b/c they cannot produce enough new content quickly enough to satisfy all the millions of players addicted to this game.