Wayyyyy too much focus on grinding.

User Rating: 3.3 | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade PC
I was really looking forward to this game at one point, but after playing it I'm not as happy. I guess it just didn't meet my expectations. I mean it has all it said it was gonna have but I don't know. It just didnt hit me like the original WoW did. To my biggest disappointment was some of the characters taken from the lore. Arator the Reedemer (son of the Paladin Turalyon who lead the army into Outland and Alleria Windrunner, the sister of Sylvanas and Veeresa Windrunner) was suppose to be a half high elf and half human, yet they used a blood elf look. I also saw a half draenei and half orc that they just used a orc look. I can't come up with more but I'm definately sure that there were more.

Anyway onto the quests. I would say 70% to 80% of the quests is "go kill 20 of " or "go get that drops from ". Instances, you need to get reputation to get into various end game instances which means more grinding.

Despite all this there are still some good stuff. I mean flying mounts (costs a bunch of money though = lots of grinding again), socket thingy (jewelcrafting), 2 new races and lots of lands to explore is quite nice.

My conclusion:
I feel Blizzard made a lazy effort to make the gameplay more fun and it seems they just wanted to lengthen the time you need to "finish" (what you wanted in) the game hence all the focus on the grinding. I used to be a big fan of Blizzard because they always made the quality games but for the first time I feel a bit cheated.