I played almost all the MMORPGs out there and this is by far the best Enough to make you pants happy each time yo

User Rating: 10 | World of Warcraft PC
I love this game its perfect, The Horde always win the Battle grounds, but the alliance HAVE GNOMES!
This game is so good each time I play I get happy in my pants.
The shamans are the coolest people out there, they are some times the strongest even though they can only wear leather untill lvl 40.
The Dwarf Palys are the coolest allaince you can get besides Gnome mages .
Please put up your comments here.
Thanks for your input, and those who arn't play GET THE GAME ITS WORTH IT!!!!

< My dwarf paly is on Malestrom his name is Valfougn Send him a present>

Love yah I'm off to play Ishandi now.