Best MMOG ever made.
User Rating: 9.8 | World of Warcraft PC
If your looking for an adventure, you've got one with World Of Warcraft. This game brings a lot of diversity to what you can do. You can do Player Versus Player (PVP), Player Versus Environment (PVE) or you can just go looking around the huge world and act as if you were the character which is roleplaying (RP). Their are two factions the Alliance which consists of the Humans, Night Elfs, Dwarfs, and those pesky gnomes. On the other faction called "The Horde" their are also four races which are the Orcs, Undead, Tauren, and Trolls. Also their are a ton of unique classes you can be such as a Warrior,Palidin,Rogue,Hunter,Shaman,Mage,Warlock,Druid, and a Priest. This is a level based game you go from level 1-60 based on experience points. You get these experience points by questing, and killing monsters. When you get to be a high level theirs still much fun to do such as running instances, Battlegrounds, and just plain whatever you want. Theirs also a mailing system so you can send gifts, or just a letter. Then theirs the auction house system which lets you put items up for sale or buy items that are for sale (kind of like ebay). I highly suggest at least you give this game a shot, its worth the time and you can just kick back relax and enjoy.