Best MMO out there

User Rating: 9.4 | World of Warcraft PC
OK this is the best MMO out there imo. Amazing features and run by a good company (blizzard). This game has something for everyone weather it be questing, the professions, fighting in battlegrounds, or just doing something stupid with friends like fishing. This game is simpy fun to play. Levels go by fast especially at lvls 20-. Your always looking forward to your new move or spell or talent. Trading is run brilliantly with multipul auctionhouses in both Horde and Alliance terriroty. PvP is good to with contested territories (u can attack in those) and your own factions territory (can't be attacked less u attack first) This game is just a joy to play so if your tired of singleplayer games u can beat in a couple weeks, give this a try. With 10 toons a server letting you try out all the different classes this gamne could literally take you years to do EVERYTHING. But with the constant additions and the upcomming patches, this game is gonan be around along time. Only problems i have with it is the lagg so stay away from high pop servers.... O the graphics are amazing if you can appreciate that cartoon like feel.