This is a great expansion, but not quite as impressive as Burning Crusade...

User Rating: 8 | World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PC
10 new levels, the new continent Northrend, a new profession, and a new class are among the new features brought with Wrath. All in all, its pretty much what we'd expect from Blizzard. New levels, new gear. I was pretty satisfied over the months playing the new expansion. But sadly I'd have to say that Burning Crusade was a better expansion overall. I'll explain this...

My initial reaction upon coming back to WoW was, "damn it why did i leave, now im soo behind on level/gear" Which was very true, and it took me about 3 months to get completely caught up. But then Blizzard decided to do something new, and I was very dissatisfied with their decisions. They decided to hand gear out like its Christmas in the WoW world. Back when WoW was first released, as well as the BC expansion, Blizzard made it so that if you had any piece of Tier, or a whole set for that matter, it REALLY meant something. It meant that you rolled with a REALLY good crew, and you've spent your time playing day in and out.

The other problem I have with this new expansion is Blizzard's obvious laziness (or penny pincher) ways of designing the new Tier and gear. Tier 7 was simply a remake of sad.
Tier 8 was pretty damn good, i'm not gonna lie. great piece bonuses and such. But then they released T9...and wow...what a pathetic excuse for Tier pieces. All the cloth pieces looked the same, all the leather looked the same, all the mail looked the same, and all the plate looked the same. Even the bonuses were the EXACT SAME bonuses from t8. I mean COME ON blizzard. Back in the day, I remember sitting on the edge of my seat just awaiting the new patch with the new Tier pieces. t1-t6 was INCREDIBLE..the rest of them (all from this new expansion Wrath) pretty much suck...

Anyways, its pretty much the same game as before. Nothing spectacularly new. Wanna save some money? Wanna save some time? then do not go back to wow with this expansion. Or are you a HARDCORE WoW fan ready to get back in the action? well this game is for you then!! enjoy!