You like games so much?..what are you waiting for? get World of Warcraft.
If you dont already know or haven't read the review or heared of WoW at all its an RPG now if that sunk your spirits by not likeing RPGs dont fret no matter who you are you WILL love WoW to its full extent even if your not used to its gameplay, after installing WoW you will have to make an account to pay around 10 pounds/dollars a month or you have a good friend that has the game already to give you the month free trial, after the complicated stuff your ready to make a character which consists a variety of races and classes for example paladin,mage,warrior,rouge etc and races like human,orc,Night elf etc. when you play theres a small hints and tips to help you paly but everything generally comes together and you feel like your a pro already, now next comes the combat which starts very early in the game and if your tired of the slow turned based combat that most RPGs have its all in real time like a action adventure game and when you lvl up theres is no difficult choice of what to upgrade you get 1 point more of all attributes like armor, intellect, spirit etc but till you get to lvl 10 you have talents to split you and make your player unique and special to all others finding some glitches in the game when it first came out there will be patches that come out regulary to improve gameplay classes and so on, the lvl limit is 60 but we are informed that an expansion will come out with the limit of 70 but believe my this game will last for ages and you cant spend a day without thinking about it.