Awesome if you have the time.... and money

User Rating: 6.7 | World of Warcraft PC
I've been playing Warcraft ever since WCII came out and I'm a huge fan of both the game and storyline. I've even read all the books. When this game was announced I couldn't wait to play it. But then I found out there was a monthly fee and being a kid, I couldn't even pay $15 a month. Now, 2 years later, I finally saved the money to play this game and I have to admit I'm a little dissapointed.

I'd like to start by saying that the game is a lot of fun. I especially love the graphics. Also this game is way more fun if you have friends that also play. In short, if you have a lot of money, friends, and time to play the game, you'll absolutely love this game. But if you're like me, its different...

You don't want to get this game if you don't have a lot of time to play it. You won't want to stop playing and you won't get your money's worth. I know this cause my parents are really strict about the time I spend on the computer and even 4 hours a day is not long enough for this game. Also, I'm just barely raking in $15 a month and I need money for other games too. My final complaint is the storyline of the game. As I've said, I am a longtime Warcraft fan and I was glad to see a lot of old characters and elements of the old games integrated into World of Warcraft. However, I found that the game lacked a plot. It doesn't feel like your part of any big plan or anything really eventful is going on. You just do quests, kill monsters, save money for items, and repeat it all over again. There is no real point to the game...

A few other comments. The music in the game is very sparse, the game tends to be very hard if you're playing solo, and you need a high end computer to really appreciate the graphics.

In conclusion, I have very mixed feelings on this game. If you have the time and money and like mmorpgs, buy it now, this game is a perfect 10! If you don't have much money and limited time to play the game, don't waste your money, this game gets a 3 out of 10.