A solid game of poker, probably the best to date

User Rating: 8.4 | World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions PS2
Many games have tried and failed at creating a good poker simulation. WSOP: TOC is probably the first to create a game worth playing. For any serious poker player, when you sit down to play this game you just can't walk away from it. It offers solid gameplay but there are some things that may frusturate gamers.

One of these is how long it may take you to get a decent pair of cards. You may go on long stretches of cards you won't usually play, most commonly 9-2 or 7-2 are given alot. Another inconvenience is it seems the AI players play stupid poker. They will make huge raises or go all-in with practicly nothing. This is a way to win pots but if theres two aces on the board and a computer pushes you assume they have an A when really they have maybe...idk 7-2.

Overall it is a game worth playing for any poker fan who wants to start a game whenever they want regardless if their poker buddies are around.