Poker Fans I know how you feel we haven't got a decent poker game on the Xbox360!
From the first time you select play on this game you will come across a create a character selection where you create your poker player and enter him into the world of poker! then it all goes HAY-WIRE!! instantly when i picked up this game I thought WOW! the graphics and the atmosphere look great but it isn't at all!
First off, the graphics aren't up to the standard of the Xbox360 you would expect muscle definiton , sweat , e.t.c but there isn't it feels like an XBOX game to say the least
Another thing with poker games is A.I you would have 3 of kind kings and in the end you lose to someone with 3 kind of aces! it happens again!
Another real bad point of the game is sound I SWEAR! every 10 seconds someone randomly snezzzes and it really annoys you plus overall the game doesn't at all feel fun!
Another dissapointing Poker game on the market that should have done a lot better than planned! however it didn't
Having said that this game does let you play poker that is what you want to do and it has a medicore way of doing that..