this game is fantastic . You have many tournaments and competitions to win and many options to have some fun. y la waxa pela peluda muy peluda . You have more than eighty teams to choose and play with your friend in a good battle for glory and victory caca caca caca caca caca caca ca caca caca ca ca ca ca ca ca ac ca ca ca ca ca papapapapapp appapapapa p p p pp pp l k j j j j j j jj dd d dd d dsa A A A AA a s d f ghh hh h h k la aakakakakak k k l k k l a sd dk k l l l l k
Other Helpful Reviews for World Soccer Winning Eleven 8
Este juego es uno de los mejores (si no es que el mejor de football que he haya jugado). Es increíble lo bueno que llega a ser cada vez World Soccer Winning Eleven, siempre se reitera como el mejor en cada nuevo título. ... Read Full Review
Gameplay - Plays like a real game of soccer 85-95% of the time: the moves and motions that the players execute look realistic. However, the computer players on your team can be stupid sometimes and the opposing computer ... Read Full Review