Best football game gone portbale, period.
Gameplay is what we have all come to expect from the Pro Evo franchise. Everything is crisp, responsive and neatly done. However there seems to be one minor bug. When in the penalty area, where all havoc is breaking lose. For example at a corner kick the action seems to go into slow motion. Nevertheless the animation plays out well. And most of all it is fun.
Graphics are very impressive for a portable system, up there with the best. This is my third purchase of the series, I previously bought Pro Evolution and Pro Evolution 3 and the graphics on the PSP are just as good if not better.
Sound is what in my opinion always seems to bring down the series, the commentry on previous titles has been poor. But on the PSP there is no commentry, which you see as a good thing or a bad thing. The crowd noises provide a good background noise.
Value wise, it is not worth £29.99. I picked it up in a package deal with the PSP which worked out at £19.99 for the game. So ensence a good buy.
Final word, well if you can pick it up for a decent price it's worth it especially if you're a football fan.