WE is just the best soccer simulation game, it unite both great graphics, and game play,good soundtrack, and fun.
WE is extremely easy to play,you never get bored playing it.......i don't know if you guys pay attention, but every time you are bored of playing video-games.... you pick WE, i think that sports games are the best option of buying.... every time you go play it it happens something different.
I've heard that WE already has used all graphic capacity of the playstation 2, obviously.. it's not surprising.So.....what WE series can improve on the game?..... i think it should improve more and more the option of the game, i mean, give to the game even more customisation options... like personal dribbles... new game modes....and the producers should find a way to give to their "guests" a way to update the squads of the teams; so WE will get less and less boring, and thats what i think... more customisation, more fun.
WE represents with loyalty, the realistic moves of the players...their abilities and the physics.So this is one of the best series of games... and indispensable game on a collection of any player... i extremely recommend for players that are bored with all games that they have.... thats the game for all life.
^^$$¬¬P$ dy/l/4§tY^^