Explanation about the game.
User Rating: 2 | World War Armies (Early Access) PC
Let me explain about this game. The game is based on World War 2 and is a rip off of the Company of Heroes RTS games. First let talk about the good ones The graphics are overall good and smooth without experiencing FPS lag. The game has cool units and 4 game modes: Ranked, skirmish (1v1), co-op (2v2), vs. AI (player vs. bots) and other game modes coming soon. Now about the bad one: The game itself has unhealthy microtransactions and tries to encourage excessive spending on games (many players have already complained about this and the developer itself has already said the game isn't pay-to-win but it really is pay-to-win and pay-to-gain advantage - the developer is already showing turning a blind eye) ""You guys are the greediest I have ever seen, progression has gone far worse in a blink of an eye, I have to grind these time consuming events and at the end I get pitty amount of card (only 1 legendary card), and this chest system is way expensive as well and offers only little compared to the old one, and those deal offers have gone wild and are the worst. Game should get better at encouraging its players to keep playing not to scare them away"" -Caes or -caesar_9 The old shop in the games was better than the new shop called 'Chest'. It is expensive and the worst decision I have ever seen. The old shop was good; you could buy 1 legendary card for 500 tokens. To earn 500 tokens you needed to grind for a few days or 1-2 weeks, depending on how you play, now the new shop is crap. The matchmaking already has its own problems because it always have bots, weak players, and strong players at same time. The enemies are using the same patterns as the previous match, indicating it is not a player but a bot - an aggressive one that can destroy the player with higher ranking units or aggressive moves. The only counter to this is by having good unit cards like epic or legendary ones (including common units if possible) or by having a good teammate in a 2v2 match. To this day, the matchmaking remains terrible, this does not affect rich players in any way. (Game modes Ranked not based on rarity of units but base on level unit= this suck) I hope Boris Kalmykov or other developer listen to the community for once. -UCA on discord