The one game that actually almost made me stop playing video games. Bad gameplay, sound, and graphics equal a bad game

User Rating: 1.1 | World War II Combat: Road to Berlin XBOX
World War II first person shooters have been common of late (like always) but fans of the genre have rejoiced at the coming of games like Call of Duty 2 and Brothers in Arms. World War II Combat: Road to Berlin tries to join the pantheon of the great World War II first person shooters, but it fails miserably because of bland graphics, terrible gameplay, and abysmal sound.

There are only 10 missions in the single player campaign, and you are given a machine gun and some grenades. The game is pretty difficult because of the lack of health packs, and the seemingly endless amount of enemies. However, these enemies have really bad artificial intelligence and the player only really needs to remember where the enemies are located to be able to successfully beat the mission.

One of the worst aspects of the game is that if you have to little health when you reach a save point, it is literally impossible to beat the level. I ran into this problem a couple of times, and it was really frustrating. You will be unhappy and shocked to know that you cannot pick up enemy weapons or switch weapons during the level. Ammunition is not a problem, but it is harder to get by certain parts of the game when you have a bad weapon for the specific area. The worst part of the game in my opinion is the controls. The movement of characters and the aiming of weapons is so poor that it really makes you want to throw the controller down. The graphics do not help the game at all either, having very boring levels with hardly any details or color differences.

The mutliplayer has online support, but I was only able to play one online match in about 30 tries because no one plays this terrible game. The bot games that you can create in local multiplayer maps are so unbelievably hard you will be shot through walls and other materials. It is insane.

This game, more than any other I have ever played, made me want to destroy the disc and never play video games again (that won't happen). The game seems to have been pushed out of the designing stage so quickly because of the boring levels and short, bug filled campaign. The game is so bad, maybe the worst I have ever played, and thus a game that no one should rent or buy...ever. The makers of this game would have to pay me to play this game.