a True Gamer's game if you like interacting games like Morrowind this is for you.
medal of honour it deffinatly isnt but not in a bad way, this game isnt aimed at being a FPS where you just blitz anyone who comes into view
Its far more indepth than that if you like your games simple easy kill the world type i doubt you will get this or like its more thoughtful an crafty style of play Still a game that is as refreshing to play for the 1st time as Golden-eye,Metal Gear Solid, Driver,Morrowind,Mafia,Deus-ex an Halo
True it does not use up 8GB's on your hard-drive,but alot of those that do sadly all turn out be all Flash no story-line,an pretty dull an been there seen it done it, none-sense story or just woeful lncedently the games i listed above ie Halo MGS all added together they wouldn't take up 8GB's size isnt important its the story, the originality the immursive world it takes you too
Game Developers who really think thru there story-line shine out in the Gamers world, those who dont .......simply dont This is highly recommended cos 5 years on i can still write a review like this about it. Goldeneye MGS an the like put alot of todays game makers too shame,
alot of games since have been instantly forgetable an can only be recalled, at a strugle for laughing at purposes
Give it a Try 5yrs on it wont be too expensive!! you may find it is still in your memory long after youve finished playing it.