Worms Armageddon shows the world that you don't need fancy graphics, or three dimensional levels to make a fun game.

User Rating: 8.3 | Worms Armageddon N64
Gameplay: 9
Why: For starters, this game is probably only at it's best in multiplayer. The campaign is fun and all and it allows you to unlock new weapons, but crushing heartless AI is simply not as satisfying as watching your friends squirm when you blow their pathetic worms into next year. That said, the heart of the gameplay is in the multiplayer.

Each team (predetermined or user created) is picked, a level is selected, rules are set up and you let your worms loose in a 2-dimensional battlefield. Once on the ground, war is waged in turns. Each team selects a worm to fight with and chooses a weapon, via a weapons menu, to use to anhiliate the opposing worms. Weapons include: Uzi, minigun, dynamite, granades, and bazookas. However there are lots more and it is pure joy to ponder over which weapon to use to acheive victory.

Each turn a worm is able to choose a new weapon or accessory (like ninja rope). Basically players attack each other in a turn-based slug-fest and try to come out the last team standing. This game features wonderful gameplay and the ammount of fun you have while playing is immense.

Graphics: 5
Why: Well let's face it, they aren't the best. They're 2-d (like everyother worms game up to this point) and it looks incredibly cartoony. However that's half the fun. Ever wanted a game like bugs bunny blows up the road runner? Well you don't get the loony toons but Worms Armageddon has enough cartoon violence to make you laugh with utter glee.
Aha hahaha haha haaaaa!

Sound: 9
Why: Terrific! Superb! The voices bring the wonderful little worms to life and the explosive noises, again, are cartoonish. But as I said earlier, it all adds to the fun. The music is also a nice touch. Fits with the game.

Value: 9
Why: I could play this game over and over again and simply must buy it! It's simply too good to let disappear.

Reviewer's Tilt: 9
Why: Worms Armageddon is an amazingly done game, I recommend it to anyone. Even if your not a turn based game buff (which I'm not, quite the opposite actually, i HATE turn based games, EXCEPT THIS ONE!!) it's a game that mustn't go unnoticed. It may take a while to get used to, but once you do you won't be dissapointed.

*WARNING: This game can cause the best of friends to become bitter enemies.