An entire Dreamcast inside a little white box!!!
Suprisingly, I think this is the greatest Worms game yet! There's a ton of stuff to do!
You can play "Quick Game", A normal match vs. the AI
You can play "Single Player", A mode that consists of "Puzzle" (A game of many different minigames), "Campaign" (A challenging saga against the AI throughout several map schemes), "Laboratory" (Three minigame modes that let you use the stylus and mic to blow, blast, and draw your worm to the goal), and finally, "Training Mode" (Not only trains you to master Worms, but also includes a shooting range to help with your aim.) Every challenge that you win earns you point that can buy new weapons, maps, dances, gravestones, ect.
You can play "Multiplayer", A normal match of Worms that can be "Single-Card Play" (2-player match, DS to DS connection), "Multi-card play" (Up to 4-player match, but all players must buy a Worms game), or "Wi-Fi Connection" (A match of Worms vs. friends or random people over Wi-Fi.)
"Custom Game" (A fully customizable game where you can play any of your created worm teams in a normal or created game type on a created or generated map!) that's kinda confusing... let's just say that "Custom Game" can be played with 1-3 below.....
1. You can customize up to 10 worm teams. Name the team, name the worms in the team, choose the speech, fort, flag, skin color, gravestone, victory dance, and if the team is human-controled or AI controled.
(So yes, you can have up to 4-player friend matches by passing one DS around! There's no need for your brother or sister to buy their own Worms game unless they want to.)
2. You can customize your own scheme (game-type). Name the game, choose the rounds, turn time, round time, retreat time, artillery mode, worm health, fall damage, forts, race, random, indestrutable, special events, weapon crates, utility crates, health crates, the ammount of health in crates, all landscape weapons, all normal weapons, the ammo ammount for nomal weapons, and the time-delay of normal weapons!
3. You can DRAW your own map! What other DS game lets you do that?! (And if that isn't enough drawing, you can draw up to 10 flags for your custom worm teams!)
If you haven't any friends around, then Wi-Fi is a great substitute. You can battle friends, rivals, or random players with your fully customized worm team. (You can't use your individual worm names in a random match, but can use your custom flag.) There are many leaderboards to score on, and you can earn medals!)
-What remains, I'll tell about later: I haven't the time-