I've read many dissaponting reviews about this game, but I had to see for myself... Thank god I did'nt pay attent
It is a turn-based game. This means that you have to wait for the opponent to decide his move. Many people are complaining that it takes so much time for the computer to make a move... guess what! This is worms, this is how Worms are in the pc, this is how worms are in DS.
Other people are complaining about the graphics (!). Hahaha... what did you expect? Worms are just fine... as it was on the pc game. There is no need to compare the game with the PSP game.
The gameplay is wonderful and the dual screen helps a lot ,when choosing weapons or reading the map.
I really liked Worms Open Warfare. I suggest that every "Worms-iovers" should buy it. For people that don't like those kind of games... don't even think about buying it!