Worms Revolution isn't too revolutionary
Worms is a classic game that has been around for years, and it's latest instalment 'Worms: Revolution' takes the great game of 'Worms' and adds a few tweaks, but are these tweaks enough to revolutionise the 'Worms' formula for the better?
The campaign is a must play if you wish to unlock everything that 'Worms: Revolution' has added to the game and this is annoying, the game stated that there would be classes to play as. The problem is that you have to unlock these classes with coins obtained through the campaign and this is annoying and tedious, especially when you feel like grabbing your brute and destroying your friends' worms.
It is split into two modes, puzzle and mission; the mission mode is a straightforward battle whereas the puzzles have you think in order to eliminate the opposing team. The puzzle mode has you pit in difficult situations and for the most part are done well, you may want to spend more time in puzzle mode than mission mode as well as it gains you more coins for unlocks than the mission mode. Though if you can't do a certain puzzle you cannot progress and this is annoying, thus you look up walkthroughs on the internet because all you want to do is unlock the classes for you to play as in multiplayer.
Although the campaign is annoying if you wish to just be playing with your friends in a game, the campaign is not awful at all, though it can get tedious, especially if you're playing a level for the fifth time after making a slight mistake on all the past plays. The most enjoyable part of the campaign is the voiceover, from 'Matt Berry', throughout the campaign; it is well done and fits in perfectly with the game. The missions make you think but are not overly difficult, though you may accidentally press one button that forces you to restart again, and then you think to yourself, 'All I want to do is unlock that class and play with my friends'.
I keep mentioning playing with your friends and this is because 'Worms: Revolution' is at it's best when you are playing a couch battle with your friends, there is nothing like hearing your friend's plea for mercy as you place that dynamite next to his last worm, eliminating his whole team. Even playing online would be more fun than playing the campaign.
Game play
The game play in 'Worms: Revolution' is great; it is a surprisingly fun game when at its best in couch game play, the worms formula has not been ruined by these new tweaks.
The new tweaks are of dynamic water, physics objects and classes. The most 'Revolutionary' of these tweaks would be the dynamic water. The dynamic water adds a whole new level to the game play and adds a depth of skill for players whom have already mastered there abilities with worms.
The physics objects are less amazing, they don't often have much effect when playing on multiplayer, but in the campaign you can blow them up. The physics objects can be moved around and stuff but what's the point? There are much stronger weapons to annihilate your mates with such as the bazooka.
This is probably one of the bad things about the game play in 'Worms: Revolution', the weapons are unbalanced and thus minor weapons are never really used unless forced upon the player. This makes the skill of 'Worms' less than what it would be if the game had balanced weapons.
Finally the classes don't do much to the formula of 'Worms', they seem to all be based off the soldier, sure they have their own abilities but there could be so much more to be done here. They could have their own weapons and so a brute can use the homing missile, but cannot hang off the ninja rope as it would snap. This would have added depth to the game, and the classes left me disappointed.
'Worms: Revolution' also seems to get repetitive after a while, this could be due to you feeling like you are fighting on the same maps over and over again. Remember past worms instalments in which there are many maps that you would type in a random code and receive. Well in this game I would be surprised if there were 20 different maps. This was disappointing for me.
The presentation of 'Worms: Revolution' is comical and enjoyable for the gamer. The style fits perfectly into the 'Worms' universe and when presentation is concerned; this is the best looking 'Worms' game to date.
The game has a great style; the backdrops look good in the world and give the game a sense of scale in the world. The foreground consists of objects floating by and makes the game look brilliant. It may not look photorealistic in terms of graphics but its art style is definitely a thing of beauty.
The game is not 'revolutionary' in its new formula but the game is great when it comes to entertainment. I won't be spending as many hours in this as I hoped but it was definitely worth the money. The game is great and looks stunning but when it comes to the campaign things can get tedious and so if you are going to be playing this with a bunch of friends I'd say it's an enjoyable party game, that isn't going to fill up your schedule.