Good little game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Worms Revolution PC
Worms Revolutions is a good little game. As far as I know, I think this is the best worms game out, unless you like the 3D version. As most of us know, worms is a game more for 2D. For me, going back to the 2D style really works. I myself did like the 3D version, but like everyone else, I think a moden 2D version works better.

Good fun game, but it does contain some little bugs. When playing, the game has crashed on me 3 to 4 times so far. But, this is rare as I have played Worms Revolutions 66 hours so far. So, 3 crashes in 66 hours isn't bad.

Worms Revolutions has fun game play, good level design, and cool music. Everything you expect from a good worms game is here. The game also has a level editor which I enjoy using very much. Worms is still a small simple game, but very fun to play. Worth buying if your a worms fan.