Classic worms was truly great, you control a small squad of worms and kill the other teams worms with various weapons some conventional such as the shotgun, machine gun to the more extravagent and wild, such as the banana bomb and the dreaded sheep! When a worm died it exploded and left a tomb stone, the damage inflicted would vary depending on strength, where the worm was hit , if the worm fell a great distance etc, it was a very fun game. The players have a lot of customising they could do with the team, from the sound set up (various accents your worm could speak), tombstones and names. Also when you selected a level their were literally billions of different combinations of levels and some where specialyl created, for example you could type in 'hell' and a specially made level by the developers would be there, same with heaven, each level had its own gravity effect aswell as its looks. - i particulary liked 'stars' which had a single pixel star on which worms stood on, great fun trying to kill the other teams on that level! The reason i said that the original worms could be the best in the series was that it was truly unqiue and has left an impression on me, it was great fun to play, also the levels I still adamantly declare where the best, they were bigger and seemed more imaginative and their was alot of debris which flew up from explosions, great stuff. But offcourse worms has gone down the inevitable 3D route, worms 2 and armageddon where very fun on par easily with Worms (original) but the latest Worms games look ugly in comparison, 3D graphics do not always look superior, they can look damn good - Project Gotham 2, Mercenaries, Halo 1 and 2 but alot of the time they look pretty poor - star wars knights of old republic and can get very dated VERY quickly - carmageddon, Everquest being two examples. All in all Worms was a great series, and its a damn shame to see it decline recently, Worms United, Worms 2, Worms armageddon and your set!
The first of the worms series doesn't have flashy backgrounds or beautifully drawn worms. What the game does have is a fun factor that I don't know of in any other franchise. Its soooo satisfying to aim a bazooka up in t... Read Full Review
A wise gamer's first glance at the boxshot would give rise to the impression that this is a whimsical game, and the use of anthropomorphic invertebrates - despite the jarring contradiction between the aforementioned adje... Read Full Review