Wrath is unleashed. But it's nothing that a swat on the nose with a newspaper won't divert.
Here's an overview; You choose from a variety of "armies" that consist of mythical creatures. Each of your characters have special weapons, tactics, and/or magic. You move your pieces in a top-down, chess-like, turn-based fashion, and attempt to wipe out the other players group. There's other ways you can win as well, so you can play to destroy, or put more tactics into it. You're placed on a playing grid of various landscapes. Each landscape type can help or hinder your side, adding more strategy to the game. If you start a battle with an opponent you go to the battle arena to fight.
There's lots of good things about this game. The graphics work for me, the characters you control are interesting, and their powers are fun, and as I mentioned, I love the concept. There's also lots of customization of your team and the landscapes, and a great deal of re-playability. Like chess, no two games would ever be the same.
This would've been a game that I could play for hours on end. I could have easily given this game an 8 or possibly a 9. There was one huge problem for me. The controls. Once you went into battle, the controls were unresponsive and sluggish. Making it too frustrating to attempt to fight with your regular moves, let alone trying to pull off special moves. Control is very important to me. As this game shows, despite graphics, concept, and level design, if I can't control my characters I won't be able to play it. I won't have any fun. And sadly, I didn't with this game.