Stay far away. Farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away.

User Rating: 1.3 | Wrestle War GEN
This was my first wrestling game and it was bad really bad. Im happy that games like WWF Royal Rumble were around back then. Im also glad games like WWE: Here Comes The Pain are around now instead of this crap.

This looks like an attempted ripoff of super punch outs graphics.
Super punch out has great graphics and funny animations. This game has
cartoony wrestlers and tries to make moves and animations funny, but it just ends up looking stupid. Faces look
goofy and some move animations just look really stupid like a dropkick
it look like a botched inside crescent kick or a amateur heel kick. The ring is plain and boring and there is no crowd. Lazy.

Sonicly the game is no better. The music is lame, and the sound effects are really below average.
Striking moves sound weak and quiet, wrestlers hitting the mat sound totally unrealistic. The only crowd noise is just a half-
assed woo-yay sort of noise for opponent specials and match ends

As for the gameplay, it’s retarded button mashing. It is almost never fun and in this game it’s used all
the time.
When committed to a tieup you have to slam buttons really quickly just
hammering one is almost never fast enough meaning you usually only
get low end crappy body slams etc because tapping just the button for
the move you want wont be fast enough. Therefore, you have to pound
them all and get a random move. Even when your opponent is wrecked
and one punch will deep six him you still have to mash. Why do guys
always get up after four stomps no matter how much energy they have?
why cant you climb the turnbuckle? Why would a wrestler stay down
after the other guys kicks out of a pin they lift there shoulder up or
push them off and that hurts the pinner enough to stay down?

Why is it that you can start a punch/kick and have it interrupted by a
tieup animation if the CPU wants it? That’s stupid. Trying to start a
grapple when somebody has already started a punch etc should lead to a
fist in the face, or at least some kind of counter. Also, why can you
only punch/kick four times before you auto grapple? There are no
reversals, which is nothing like real life. There are no real
brawlers, only about five moves, only opponents have finishers and
they use them constantly not at the end like in real life, you don’t
even get one! There is only one playable char; you can only play as
somebody else in two player and player one still has to be the same
guy. Arrrggghh! I could go on and on its that bad and totally

The reply value is nothing at all. You might go through it once to see all the guys but
the constant need for mashing and the tiny amount of moves make it
very boring.

All up this seems like a rushed, no effort crapfest compared to royal rumble. Check that one out if you are looking for some 16bit grappling action.
