Hmm...this game's actually quite fun!

User Rating: 6.8 | Wrestle War GEN
I've had Wrestle War for years now on my Megadrive but I've only recently gotten in to it properly. When you first play it you'll most likely think it's pretty crap but It's pretty good once you get in to it

GAMEPLAY: There are only two game modes in Wrestle War, 1 player and 2 player. 1 player has you fighting as an unknown wrestler taking on various opponents to capture a few belts. Once you've won the belts you must defend them against a couple more wrestlers. It's kind of a typical Rookie to legend kinda story, even though there's no proper story involved.

2 player is just you vs another human controlled player.

The matches are quite simple as far as controls and strategies go because basically, there is no real strategy, you just go in to a match mashing buttons and hope for the best.

the d-pad is used to move A to punch, B to kick and C to tie up. Once you've tied up a power bar with appear on screen. You must get the most amount of power to excecute a move. You do this by pressing all the buttons as fast as you can. Once you've played the game quite a lot you'll figure out properly which button does what move but in your first couple of times playing you'll just have to hope for the best.

You can't go on the top rope, well I'm not sure, I haven't so far, but you can go outside the ring and use a few weapons but it's usually your oponent throwing you out of the ring and using a weapon instead of the other way around.

The matches start off quite easily but get a lot harder as you go on, And by the time you get to the last couple of matches your fingers will aching so much that it makes it even harder.

It doesn't feature licensed wrestlers but some supposedly original wrestlers to bare some resemblence to real wrestlers. Just look closely and you'll see Road Warrior Hawk, Hulk Hogan and a few others in there.

Overall the gameplay is pretty decent. It's a lot like other wrestling games that were released around the same time, mindless button mashing. But it's enertaining and quite challenging too.

GRAPHICS: This is kind of a mixed bag. The wrestlers all look great. The sprites used are pretty big and nicely detailed. The only bad points really are the general lack of deatail in the ring and the lack of an audience. But you'll be too in to the actually match itself you really notice so it's not that bad.

SOUND: The sound is quite boring for the most part. There's a varied amount of music and sound effects but it doesn't really add a lot to the game. Punches, kicks and other moves are very clear but not too realistic. There's a few voices in the ring like the referee's count when you go for the pin and some wrestlers occasionally shout random things but it doesn't really add much.

REPLAY VALUE: It's definately not a game you can play over and over. It's one of those game that you play every now and again when you don't know what else to play. That's not to say it's a bad game but matches do get slightly repetitive and if you play it day in day out you'll probably end up throwing the game out of the window and hoping a car will run over it or something.

But once you face all the wreslers and win and defend your belts, there isn't much reason to play it after that for a while.

Overall, Wrestle War is a challenging and fun wrestling game. It takes a while to get used to the feel of it but it shouldn't take long. If you come across this game and you are a wrestling fan you should definately give it a try!