User Rating: 8 | WWE '12 PS3
I like most of you waited anxiously for it to come out. After reading all of the " new features" that were supposed to make this game Bigger and Badder then ever how could it possibly be bad game. Well first of all the online servers wernt working properly on release day and still arent working very well to this day, the hit detection was aweful and made for some very strange moments where hi flying moves would do more damage to the one doing the move then to the oponet who was recieving the move. Some people were experiencing problems with the game crashing or freezibg on them i myself had that happen but only a few times.
With all of the negative that i just spewed forth about the game there are a few cool things like a somewhat up to date " at the time" roster and being able to play as some new legends was cool, the new come back ability was nice as well as the wake up taunt, and the graphics were over all pretty decent. So even though this is a mixed review if your a die hard fan then you already have it and have your own feelings about it, would still be a somewhat worthy addition to your video game library