This game is straight up bull.

User Rating: 5.5 | WWE '12 X360
You're hoping to play a new remade game, but you are letdown to see this garbage. I found 10 glitches in a matter of 4 seconds. I also found a big "Magic Hover" glitch when you try to gut kick and you float to the other side of the ring. It is not only glitches Road to Wrestlemania is at an all time low. With only 5 "Full" matches in there. Most involve you to press Y when you have caused enough damage. The achievements are greatly messed up. I took 3 hours of that 35 hour play time to get to the number 1 contender and then there is no achievement. This game need some update. I dont know if a game can do all this updates at once but they will have to do so. All these people that say this game is great have been playing on the "good" side where they are lucky enough to not come into any glitches yet. You don't have to play thoroughly you just have to play one match then you see how bad this is. Also in Road to wrestlemania your Created Wrestler will be named Jacob Cass and you will be given a preset moveset and a horrible voice. If your going change everything about my created Wrestler just change my appearance to and don't even call him mine. This game will make you think that THQ owes you 80$. 60$ for the game and 20 extra dollars for wasted time. I will be waiting for the 200mb update they will have to do.