"WWE '12" (PS3) is BIGGER, BADDER, BETTER and sometimes not, but still worth a purchase for fans of the WWE.
The first thing I noticed is the colorful, slick, and vibrant graphics. I can honestly say the WWE Superstars have never looked better. The attention to detail is simply a sight to behold whether it's Triple H's physique with muscles glistening, The Undertaker's somber entrance complete with druids holding the torches, or the awesome tattoos that certain WWE Stars have is unreal and everything here is true to each character without a doubt. The new "Predator Technology" is evident here which also includes some pretty nice camera angles that capture the feel of what you see in various WWE programming. The opening pyro of each show whether it be Raw or Smackdown is here or the authentic pay-per-view intros it's all here.
The game looks really, really good and I think it's probably the best looking wrestling game out of all of them.
The controls took a bit of getting used to as things have change. You no longer have to rely heavily on the analog sticks of the controller, but instead use the face buttons. Sure you can use the right analog stick to pick up your opponent, but you can also use the X button too. Typical of this series are a few collision miscues (trying to stomp your opponent when they're on the ground and getting nothing or missing a move running off the ropes-it's a minor gripe).
I do like the limb targeting system. Once your wrestler lockups with the opponent you can hit R1 and bring up the body chart and choose to target the head, body, arms, or legs. It takes some getting used to, but once it's figured out it flows beautifully throughout the match. Hitting finishers is a bit easier to by using the triangle button (once for a "Signature" move and then a "Finishing" move which is nice).
I do NOT like the new kick-out meter (I like mashing buttons to kick out), reversals can be a bit of a pain to get at times too. I haven't had much experience with the "Breaking Point" submission thing, but from what I can tell you can get out of submissions by mashing buttons and getting out the hold.
The Road to Wrestlemania scenarios felt like a chore. However the stories in each one were pretty good(at least I thought they were anyway), but THQ didn't make it (what's the word I'm looking for?) oh yeah: FUN! they also seemed to want to throw you into many 2-on-1, 3-on-1 scenarios which were cool at first, but quickly wear out their welcome once you do it for what seems to be throughout the entire story regardless of which one you're playing. I can't count how many times I groaned and said to myself "here we go-AGAIN!" remember that less can sometimes be more and in this instance that surely would have paid off with these encounters.
Be prepared to spend a few hours in each story (three in all) !!! I honestly wish I had just a bit more "choices" to make (I do like the branching story stuff), BUT at the same time I didn't have the worry of "well, if I lose this match then THIS will happen or if I don't win then THIS certain thing WON'T happen" etc... no stress as the story does it's own twists and turns (some can be a little surprising and others you kinda see coming a mile away)
What's good is that instead of actually having to win a match the old-fashioned way there is a triangle that appears of your opponent's head and after pushing it it then goes directly to a cutscene and the story progresses from there. For those of you (including me) who find it absolute torture trying to win a ladder match when there are six other wrestlers vying for the same prize hanging up from the rafters (I can't stand it personally because there is just too much going on and though not impossible it's highly annoying trying to get the briefcase or belt because someone is always knocking you down, hitting you, taking the ladder, etc...)
For the most part though I enjoyed the story bit, but what I don't like is being forced into matches I don't want to be in! (I say this again and again-I am a SINGLES wrestler and do NOT want to be in tag matches) I don't like triple threat matches, fatal four way matches because it's an absolute pain trying to get that extra guy to stay out of your hair while you go on to victory (as a matter of fact it can be exhausting). The good part (that I've noticed) that when in tag matches the CPU partner doesn't try to run into the ring and interfere with your pin (THANK YOU!) I find it best to just incapacitate everyone to the point where they can barely function and then go for the win (which can be time consuming lol, but worth it).
Universe Mode:
Definitely my favorite part of the whole game. You are the boss here as you control EVERYTHING. Let's say during the monthyou have a Raw card on the calendar. You can choose which superstar you're going to control in each match, simulate it,or you can choose to interfere in the match with the WWE Superstar of your choice which is fun. At times you'll be treated to cutscenes of a new rivalry or someone coming down to the ring to help THEIR ally.
The only thing I wished is that when I interfere I want it to be long than just a minute or so (I want to be there until the match is over). Still, waking up the referee and helpingan ally steal a victory is kinda cool.
I just started this mode (I'm going with the Undertaker, created a stable with Kane (Brothers of Destruction) and will be adding "The Road Warriors" when I can (going for all the singles and tag gold I can get).
As you complete the scheduled month it will lead you to the respective PPVs for that month. Dare I say it? massive replaybility? definitely! there is just so much you can do in this mode! there are also injuries and you can put wrestlers on the shelf for a bit (I think the only injury I was able to do was on Randy Orton and I'm not sure *how* I caused the injury either, but the stretcher came and he was out). Another change I'd like to see is injuries not being random, but rather something you can do intentionally whether it be through the use of multiple special moves, chairs, tables, or just having a long, brutal match all-round.
Create modes:
A LOT of stuff here whether it's a wrestler, story, show, moves, finishers-it's crazy! I created a wrestler today and was amazed (maybe because I've been away from the series for quite some time) with all the great options. The *ADVANCED* options are a bit more complicated, but definitely worth looking into if you feel the need to create every minor detail in your CAW's intro and what not.
I debated about picking this one up, but y'know what? I'm glad I did because it really is a great wrestling game. It's definitely not a "No Mercy" or "WCW/NWO Revenge" which happen to be my two favorite wrestling games along with "WWF WrestleFest", but it has that feel in a way. I think the folks at THQ and Yukes did a excellent job with WWE '12.
My final thought is this: if you have ANY interest in the WWE (and I do) then do yourself a favor: pick it up, know that it's a wrestling game (READ: don't expect an EPIC experience like Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption, or Mass Effect 2), and just appreciate it for what it is: a very solid WWE game, a great restructuring of a series that, quite frankly, needed a new coat of paint, a great roster that will appeal to the old and new school fan, and plenty of features (including online which is something else I haven't tried and probably won't lol).
I can think of a few things that would make for a much better experience (goodbye ridiculous celebrations that don't fit the character of certain WWE Superstars, 2-on-1, 3-on-1, backstage brawls would be cut completely, more variety/branching storylines in Road to Wrestlemania, stat tracking in Universe Mode (ie: wins/losses, titles held --how long, who you beat for it, who beat you for it, how long you've held title(s), etc), the ability to interfere for the entire match, fix camera for backstage mode, bring back the promo stuff (contract deals, books signings, workouts). That's just a few ideas I can think of at the moment.
It's a great start (though not perfect) however it does the WWE justice in every sense of the word andthe WWE series has only just begun with this entry and I have high hopes for WWE '13.