Fun at 1st, but gets boring very fast.
Next, I want to focus a little on the gameplay experience that I experienced when I 1st opened the game and began to play I was blown away like man this is really awesome,but as I played the game more and more I noticed a few flaws that began to surface like reversals not countering like they should,or some of the wrestlers as they walked to the ring looked like they were floating just above the floor.I am sure there will be an update soon.
I was not a fan of the control system at all it was like when you went into grapple and then execute the move it was random,I could not choose what I wanted to do and that was irritating.I am old school wrestling Here comes the Pain and early Smackdown Vs. Raw and think that THQ needs to return to that control scheme.
In closing I want to focus on the roster a bit because it really feels like it is lacking.The superstars that are downloadable should have been included in the game.I guess my real issue with this game is the fact I grew up old school and do not know any of the new superstars in the game.I was very disappointed to find that Randy Savage was not due out until after Jan. When I saw the videos he was there and so I was under the impression he would be available.
I am sure the game would have been better if I gave it more time 3-4 days just is not enough time to really review a game,but like I said at 1st the game was awesome,but it grew stale very fast and so I sold my copy on Ebay while the value was still there and will wait to see if they ever make a Legends of wrestlemania 2.I think THQ can keep changing the games look,but they need to return to the Here comes the Pain control scheme.This is just the feeling I got from the game if you are a fan of WWE this game will suffice for most,but not me:P