A blast too play great multiplayer and I only played 6 hours.
The crowd looks great and sounds even better as they respond to big moves in the ring. The commentary by the King and JR, goes also complimentary with the rings action even when there are like 6 guys in the ring going at it. Me personally I feel the lowest any one should grade this is an 8, cause the visual bugs and other glitches does affect the apperance and sometimes the action in the game.
For example: minor hiccups when there are 6 wrestlers in the ring
Wrestlers against the rope, blend in or sometimes go through the ropes.
Sometimes the glitching also flaws the movement of your character.
But just not too bad too mess of the experience. and this a review based on only multiplayer so I gave it an 8.5 just off that so the campaign has to have most people with the unanimous 8.0-9.0 tops. But yes off the multiplayer alone its worth 59.99.